Discover tranquility: A summer stroll in Brussels’ Botanical Gardens - The President Brussels Hotel - Unique Hotel in Brussels - Hotel in Belgium

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Boulevard du Roi Albert II 44,
Brussels, Belgium
+32 (0)2 203 20 20
  /  news   /  Discover tranquility: A summer stroll in Brussels’ Botanical Gardens

Discover tranquility: A summer stroll in Brussels’ Botanical Gardens

Just a leisurely 15-minute walk from Hotel The President, Brussels’ Botanical Gardens offer a lush, green escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. Whether you’re an avid nature lover or simply seeking a peaceful retreat, these gardens are the perfect place to spend a summer afternoon.

The Botanical Gardens, known as the “Jardin Botanique” in French, date back to the early 19th century and are a true testament to Brussels’ commitment to preserving natural beauty amidst urban development. Covering over 6 hectares, the gardens feature a stunning array of flora from around the world. As you stroll along the winding pathways, you’ll encounter vibrant flower beds, tranquil ponds, and towering trees that provide welcome shade on warm summer days.

One of the highlights of the gardens is the beautiful glasshouse, which houses an impressive collection of exotic plants and flowers. The tropical environment inside is a stark contrast to the temperate climate outside, offering a unique experience for visitors. Don’t miss the chance to explore the themed gardens, such as the rose garden, the herb garden, and the Japanese garden, each offering its own distinct charm and character.

Beyond the botanical wonders, the gardens also serve as a cultural hub, often hosting art exhibitions, concerts, and other events. The historic Orangery, with its elegant architecture, is a particularly popular venue for such activities. Be sure to check the schedule during your visit to see if there are any special events taking place.

After your stroll, take a moment to relax at one of the garden’s picturesque benches or enjoy a picnic on the expansive lawns. The serene atmosphere, punctuated by the gentle sounds of birds and rustling leaves, makes it an ideal spot to unwind.

So, whether you’re looking to immerse yourself in nature, enjoy a cultural event, or simply find a peaceful place to relax, the Botanical Gardens near our hotel are a must-visit destination this summer. Make your way there and discover the natural beauty and tranquility that await just around the corner.

Image – Shutterstock

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