Discover Brussels by day and night: The ultimate Tootbus adventure - The President Brussels Hotel - Unique Hotel in Brussels - Hotel in Belgium

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Boulevard du Roi Albert II 44,
Brussels, Belgium
+32 (0)2 203 20 20
  /  news   /  Discover Brussels by day and night: The ultimate Tootbus adventure

Discover Brussels by day and night: The ultimate Tootbus adventure


Elevate your Brussels experience by booking your Tootbus ticket directly at our reception!Explore the captivating city at your own pace as you embark on a hop-on-hop-off adventurefor 24 hours, allowing you the flexibility to discover the iconic landmarks and hidden gemsthat Brussels has to offer.For an enchanting evening experience, consider booking Tootbus’ evening tour. WitnessBrussels transform into a magical cityscape as the sun sets, with key landmarks illuminatedto create a truly memorable and picturesque journey.



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